
  • 600ml high-acid white wine
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 640g emmental or similar, grated
  • 960g good quality gruyère, or similar, grated
  • 300g reblochon, or similar, skin removed and cubed
  • 4tsp kirsch (optional)
  • Nutmeg, to grate
  • Stale bread, cubed, to serve


  1. Heat the wine and garlic in a deep heavy-based pan over a low heat until it begins to simmer.
  2. Add the emmental, a little at a time, whisking or stirring vigorously and allowing to melt before adding more. Do the same with the gruyère, followed by the reblochon, and keep stirring until smooth.
  3. Stir in the kirsch, if using, followed by a good grating of nutmeg. Transfer to a fondue set or heatproof pan set over a tea light and tuck in immediately.